Welcome to PowerTrack360

Revolutionizing incident management for Kendal Power Station.

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Meet Our Team

Moses Mubvafhi

Moses Mubvafhi

Team Leader

Moses Mubvafhi LinkedIn

Our Project

PowerTrack360 is an innovative Incident Management System (IMS) tailored for Eskom Kendal Power Station's Electrical Engineering Department.

Providing real-time tracking and reporting across critical systems to ensure efficient resolution of incidents.

Problem Statement

The lack of centralized data storage affects the KPIs of the Electrical Engineering Department.

This makes it difficult to monitor system performance and resolve incidents efficiently.

Proposed Solution

The proposed solution is to implement a decentralized Incident Management System that will streamline incident reporting, tracking, and resolution.

This system will provide real-time insights, making it easier for employees to stay aware of all incidents.

Additional features include coal level estimation, weather alerts, and automated report generation, enabling management to make informed decisions based on analyzed data.

Technologies Used


Web App: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript

Mobile App: React Native



Database Tools

MySQL, phpMyAdmin, and XAMPP

Version Control

Git and GitHub